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Frequently Asked Questions
CurriculumDancing Jazz Dance Tap Dance Academic Subjects The Performing Arts Industry Professional Development Musical Theatre History in Practice Singing Singing Vocal Repertoire Drama Acting
Entry requirementApplicants must be 16 years old or above, have completed HKDSE or equivalent, and pass the subject of English Language; or non-local qualifications such as a GCE AL, IB Diploma; High School Graduation Diploma or SAT, etc… All candidates must pass an audition. Experience in acting, singing and dancing will be an advantage.
Application ProceduresComplete an application form and return it with the following documents to HKAPA EXCEL, 1 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Completed application form. A headshot-to-waist photo and a full-body photo. Photocopy(ies) of academic and/or professional qualifications. A photocopy of identification document (HKID card or passport). A cheque for application fee payable to “EXCEL Ltd.”
AuditionApplicants will be invited to attend an audition. Candidates need to prepare the following: A one-minute presentation of monologue from any plays. A one-minute presentation of a song from any musicals or related styles. Candidates must provide their own pianist or prepare an MMO in CD format. At the audition, candidates will be taught a series of dance combinations and requested to present it before the panel of judges. A cheque of the Registration Fee payable to “EXCEL Ltd.” on or before the audition. (Registration Fee will be banked in when the student is accepted; the cheque will be returned to unsuccessful applicants. Candidates without Registration Fee payment cheque will not be auditioned.) EXCEL will inform applicants audition date and time by email in due course. Result will be released via email.
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