(1) At least 2 years dancing experience
(2) Completion of senior secondary education; with either one of the following qualifications:
(a) Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination
(I) The applicant shall have attained the following:
(i ) Level 3 or above in the English Language subject; and
(ii) Level 3 or above in the Chinese Language subject; and
(iii) Level 2 or above in the Mathematics subject; and
(iv) “Attained” result in the Citizenship and Social Development subject; and
(v) Level 2 or above in at least one other subject ("Attained" result in one Applied Learning subject is considered as fulfilling one HKDSE subject requirement)
(b) Diploma in (Discipline*) Foundations awarded by the Academy, subject to meeting specified articulation requirements.
[*Discipline refers to Cantonese Opera or Dance or Drama or Music or Theatre and Entertainment Arts]
(c) Other Recognised Qualifications
(I) Studying for an Undergraduate Programme at a locally recognised post-secondary institution
(i ) Satisfactory completion of at least one year of an Undergraduate programme
(II) Studying for an Associate Degree or Higher Diploma Programme at a locally recognised post-secondary institution
(i ) Satisfactory completion of at least one year of an Associate Degree or Higher Diploma Programme with GPA 2.0 or above
(III) Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE)
(i ) Grade E or above in three A-Level subjects; or
(ii) Grade E or above in two A-Level subjects and Grade E or above in two AS Level subjects
(IV) General Certiciate of Education Advanced Level Examination (GCE A-Level)
(i ) Grade E or above in three A-Level subjects; or
(ii) Grade E or above in two A-Level subjects and Grade E or above in two AS Level subjects
(V) International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
(i) 24 points or above
(VI) Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC)
(i ) BTEC National Extended Diploma at RQF L3 (180 credits) at PPP or above; or
(ii ) BTEC National Diploma at RQF L3 (120 credits) at PP or above plus Two BTEC L3 Certificates (30 credits) at P or above; or
(iii) A combination of BTEC L3 Diplomas/Certificates making up a total of 180 credits with UCAS tariff point 48 or more