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  • 儿童课程 | HKAPA . EXCEL

    儿童课程 通过互动和富创意的学习体验,培养儿童多元发展 首页 / 学习课程 / 儿童课程 / 课程介绍 剧场一直是培养创意丶鼓励儿童多元发展的摇篮。 EXCEL 致力於发掘每个孩子的个人才能,点燃他们对表演艺术的热情。通过让小学员沉浸在各种形式的表演艺术中,能为他们提供一种充满趣味丶而又具启发性的学习体验和成长方式。这不单能够扩阔他们对艺术领域的认识,也有助他们身心及社交发展。 我们的儿童课程由经验丰富的专业导师任教,他们致力培养小学员的艺术成长之路。我们的导师不仅对表演艺术充满热情,而且在教学方面亦充满经验。小学员可在共融及互助的学习环境中,发展他们的创造力丶自信心丶沟通技巧丶协作能力和文化意识。 我们期待在课程中与你和你的子女见面! Quick View 小演员戏剧表演班(5 - 8岁) Out of Stock Quick View 小演员戏剧表演班(9 - 12岁) Out of Stock Quick View 剧场游戏及即兴戏剧(9-12岁) Out of Stock 剧场教育对儿童发展的重要性 广泛的研究表明,戏剧丶剧场和表演艺术有助儿童身心及社交发展。 自信 表演艺术教育为小学员提供了一个安全的平台,让他们可以天马行空地思考及置身於各种陌生情境,从而学会认识自己的想法和能力。 沟通技巧 有效地透过语言及非语言沟通对儿童将来的成就非常重要。通过表演艺术,孩子们能学习声线运用,咬字丶语调和肢体语言等,从而更可提升聆听和观察能力。 想像力和创造力 勇於提出新的想法在儿童的学习和生活都有莫大益处。爱因斯坦甚至曾说「想像力比知识更重要」。表演艺术可激发小学员发展他们的想像力和创造力。 表达情感 表演艺术已经成为情绪教育其中一个有效工具。戏剧活动除了好玩有趣,亦可以提升动力和减压,并教导小学员以正向的方式处理及表达情感。 同理心与合作 通过理解戏剧中不同的角色,小学员可更易代入不同的情境和人物,从而学会同情和宽容,并且学习团队合作。 集中力和记忆力 练习表演艺术可提高集中力丶灵活性丶协调性丶平衡和控制力。通过排练和表演更可提高记忆力。

  • 常见问题|注意事项 | HKAPA . EXCEL

    常见问题 Curriculum Dancing Jazz Dance Tap Dance Academic Subjects The Performing Arts Industry Professional Development Musical Theatre History in Practice Singing Singing Vocal Repertoire Drama Acting Entry requirement Applicants must be 16 years old or above, have completed HKDSE or equivalent, and pass the subject of English Language; or non-local qualifications such as a GCE AL, IB Diploma; High School Graduation Diploma or SAT, etc… All candidates must pass an audition. Experience in acting, singing and dancing will be an advantage. Application Procedures Complete an application form and return it with the following documents to HKAPA EXCEL, 1 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Completed application form. A headshot-to-waist photo and a full-body photo. Photocopy(ies) of academic and/or professional qualifications. A photocopy of identification document (HKID card or passport). A cheque for application fee payable to “EXCEL Ltd.” Audition Applicants will be invited to attend an audition. Candidates need to prepare the following: A one-minute presentation of monologue from any plays. A one-minute presentation of a song from any musicals or related styles. Candidates must provide their own pianist or prepare an MMO in CD format. At the audition, candidates will be taught a series of dance combinations and requested to present it before the panel of judges. A cheque of the Registration Fee payable to “EXCEL Ltd.” on or before the audition. (Registration Fee will be banked in when the student is accepted; the cheque will be returned to unsuccessful applicants. Candidates without Registration Fee payment cheque will not be auditioned.) EXCEL will inform applicants audition date and time by email in due course. Result will be released via email. Enquire Download Brochure 需要帮忙吗? 联系我们

  • 课程条款及细则 | HKAPA . EXCEL

    课程条款及细则 Curriculum Dancing Jazz Dance Tap Dance Academic Subjects The Performing Arts Industry Professional Development Musical Theatre History in Practice Singing Singing Vocal Repertoire Drama Acting Entry requirement Applicants must be 16 years old or above, have completed HKDSE or equivalent, and pass the subject of English Language; or non-local qualifications such as a GCE AL, IB Diploma; High School Graduation Diploma or SAT, etc… All candidates must pass an audition. Experience in acting, singing and dancing will be an advantage. Application Procedures Complete an application form and return it with the following documents to HKAPA EXCEL, 1 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Completed application form. A headshot-to-waist photo and a full-body photo. Photocopy(ies) of academic and/or professional qualifications. A photocopy of identification document (HKID card or passport). A cheque for application fee payable to “EXCEL Ltd.” Audition Applicants will be invited to attend an audition. Candidates need to prepare the following: A one-minute presentation of monologue from any plays. A one-minute presentation of a song from any musicals or related styles. Candidates must provide their own pianist or prepare an MMO in CD format. At the audition, candidates will be taught a series of dance combinations and requested to present it before the panel of judges. A cheque of the Registration Fee payable to “EXCEL Ltd.” on or before the audition. (Registration Fee will be banked in when the student is accepted; the cheque will be returned to unsuccessful applicants. Candidates without Registration Fee payment cheque will not be auditioned.) EXCEL will inform applicants audition date and time by email in due course. Result will be released via email. Enquire Download Brochure 需要帮忙吗? 联系我们

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