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  • 我的活動 | HKAPA . EXCEL

    9月18日週三 | Wix辦公室 我的活動 告訴客人更多這個活動的詳細資料,這是讓他們開心的好地方。 回覆出席 時間和地點 2024年9月18日 下午6:00 – 2024年9月19日 下午9:00 Wix辦公室, 500 Terry Francois Street, San Francisco, CA 94158(美國加州) 關於本活動 在此向賓客提供更多關於活動的資訊,例如節目安排、演講者、重要資訊等等。要自訂此文字,請前往管理活動>活動詳細資料。 這是有關此活動的段落。您可以告訴客人活動的歷史、背景、參與者類型等。這是個提供客人更多資訊讓他們滿心期待的好地方。要自訂此文字,請前往管理活動>活動詳細資料。 這是有關此活動的段落。您可以告訴客人活動的歷史、背景、參與者類型等。這是個提供客人更多資訊讓他們滿心期待的好地方。要自訂此文字,請前往管理活動>活動詳細資料。 顯示更多 回覆出席 分享此活動

  • Book Online | HKAPA . EXCEL

    我們的服務 Brand Film Storytelling For Executives 已結束 80 Hong Kong dollars 起 HK$80 起 查看課程

  • Ho Cheuk Tin Film Workshop: Film Directing | HKAPA . EXCEL

    音樂劇 《奮青樂與路》 2024 策略夥伴及贊助: 利希慎基金 音樂劇 :《奮青樂與路》 2024 音樂劇《奮青樂與路》2024 本地原創音樂劇《奮青樂與路》分別於2017及2018年作首演及重演,並榮獲第二十七屆香港舞台劇獎多個獎項,成為一時佳話!今年,利希慎基金三度贊助此音樂劇製作計劃,並由演藝進修學院主辦及製作,聯同來自何文田迦密中學、路德會西門英才中學、加拿大神召會嘉智中學及心光盲人院暨學校等中學的學生,一同炮製2024年新版本! ​ 高世章 X 岑偉宗 X 莊梅岩 劇壇頂尖班底夥拍年輕創作人 聯同新一代熱血奮青,炮製2024年新版本 ​ 自命不凡、憤世嫉俗的學生遇上來自五湖四海的慌失失青年,一起組成另類合唱團,誓要一雪前恥吐氣揚眉。可惜追夢之路滿佈泥濘,就在最迷惘的關頭,到底他們如何重拾初衷,走出谷底? 在尋索音樂與人生的路上,憤青又可會蛻變成奮青? ​ 日期及時間: 2024年8月23日(五) 2024年8月24日(六) 2024年8月25日(日) 地點: 香港文化中心大劇院(尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號) ​ 語言: ​粵語 (附中英文字幕) ​ 票價: 門票公開發售詳情將於6月初公佈,敬請密切留意 ​ 訂購備註: 演出長約2小時,設中場休息。 六歲以下恕不招待。 所有門票一經售出,概不退換。 遲到觀眾須待節目適當時候方可進場 香港演藝進修學院有權增減、更換演出者或更改已公布的節目及座位安排事宜。有關更改會於本學院網站更新。 ​ ​ 購票按此 (待公佈) ​制作團隊 作曲 高世章 作詞 岑偉宗 編劇 莊梅岩 編舞 張月盈 聯合導演 張凱婷、張月盈 音樂總監 黃以禮 歌唱指導 謝瑞琼 佈景設計 勞正然 服裝及形象設計 賴藝庭 燈光設計 葉俊霖 音響設計 夏恩蓓 策略夥伴及贊助: 利希慎基金 主辦及製作: 演藝進修學院

  • 最新活動 | HKAPA . EXCEL

    最新活動 演藝進修學院為大家帶來新一期課程,舞蹈、戲劇、電視、兒童、音樂、舞台製作 等八大範疇,應有盡有! ​ 同時為慶祝新網站面世,我地現為大家準備了雙重優惠: 10% 早 鳥優惠 (優惠期至 1 月 15 日) ​ 及 ​ 註冊即可享 $20 課程優惠 2- 6 月短期課程​ 現正接受報名!! 短期課程 立即報讀 Subscribe

  • 行政人員工作坊:品牌與影像傳意 | HKAPA . EXCEL

    事業發展 將表演藝術與職業發展聯系起來。 行政人員工作坊:品牌與影像傳意 / 行政人員工作坊: 品牌與影象傳意 專業發展 日期: 待定 時間: 待定 地點: 待定 ​ 語言: 待定 ​ 費用: 待定 ​ ​ 報名 導師 Prof. Dae Ryun CHANG Mr Aurelien LAINE Mr Daniel SMUKALLA 專業發展的更多選擇 專業發展 創意教學工作坊 更多資料

  • About EXCEL Back up | HKAPA EXCEL

    About EXCEL Discover EXCEL's Passion for Performing Arts OUR VISION Extending the mission of the Academy in providing an innovative, multidisciplinary and globally focused education, EXCEL aspires to be the leading lifelong learning hub for continuing education and professional development for performing arts in Hong Kong and the region. OUR MISSION Collaborate with the Schools of the Academy in expanding lifelong performing arts learning opportunities for all ages. ​ Engage leading academia and practitioners to deliver high quality professional education and training. ​ Foster strategic partnership locally and globally to promote lifelong learning of performing arts. ​ Innovate continuing education learning to meet the needs in the diverse cultural metropolis. OUR VALUE Excel in the provision of professional and continuing performing arts education in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the region. ​ Create positive social impact through performing arts education in the community. ​ Engage stakeholders in education, industry, and community to deliver positive social impact. ​ Lead the development of performing arts continuing education locally and globally Governors EXCEL Full-Time Staff Ms Josephine YIM General Manager Ms Grace KWOK Programme Manager Ms Demi LI Asst. Programme Manager Ms Mia CHIU Programme Coordinator Ms Cynthia LAU Programme Coordinator Ms Serena LI Programme Assistant Ms Mavis MOK Programme Assistant Ms Blanka CHAN Accounting & HR Manager Ms Daisy KWAN Accounting Assistant Ms Suki CHIU Administrative Executive Board Governors Professor Gillian Ann CHOA Chairman Ms Bernice CHAN Lai-ping Treasurer Mr Nick HO Lik-ko Member Mr Leon KO Sai-Tseung Member Ms Stella LAU Yin-ling Member Ms Sheryl LEE Ming-chi Member Mr Andrew LEUNG Chun-keung Member Dr. Iñaki SANDOVAL Member Ms Yvonne SHING Mo-han Member EXCEL Career EXCEL Career - Join Us - There are no job vacancies at the moment. Short Courses Unleash your passion for the performing arts with expert guidance. Children Programme Nurture young minds through interactive and creative learning adventures. Musical Theatre Unleash your passion for the performing arts with expert guidance. DSE Applied Learning Prepare for real-world challenges and excel in practical skills. ​ Professional Development Connecting Performing Arts with Career Advancement

  • Home-backup | HKAPA EXCEL

    MAKE PERFORMANCE P OSSIBLE Extending the mission of the Academy in providing an innovative, multidisciplinary and globally focused education, EXCEL aspires to be the leading lifelong learning hub for continuing education and professional development for performing arts in Hong Kong and the region. DRAMA DANCE MUSIC CHILDREN MUSICAL THEATRE FILM & TELEVISION THEATRE & ENTERTAINMENT ARTS EXECUTIVE TRAINING DRAMA MUSICAL THEATRE DANCE F ILM & TELEVISION MUSIC EXECUTIVE TRAINING CHILDREN THEATRE & ENTERTAINMENT ARTS C ourse Information C ourse Calendar S ocial Media S peak to the EXCEL Study at EXCEL What's On Bespoke Services W HAT'S ON AT EXCEL? Our students are responsible for over 50 productions a year. Music gigs, theatrical shows, dance shows, festivals, musicals, exhibitions, installations and digital performances are all part of their learning. Many are open to the public. We also hold regular events where you can visit our campus and find out more about studying here. What's On Empowering Success in the Performing Arts Experience the transformative power of EXCEL, where aspiring artists find their passion and unlock their potential. Discover the limitless possibilities and join us on a journey of artistic excellence. 1000 + Student Enrolment 20 + Programme (per quarter) 9 + Discipline - Study Area We've been dancing since early morning, working up a sweat. Now, resting on the fencing, we enjoy the breeze, drying off and finding our balance. ~ Sweaty Ballet Shoes P ASSION IN MOTION C REATIVITY UNLEASHED From a regular door to a canvas of creativity, I proudly stand between two realms. Come closer and be amazed by the imaginative wonders that await within. ~ 9 3/4 Toilet Platform Let's Keep The Conversation Going Receive our newsletter and discover our stories, collections, and surprises. Subscribe


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